What is the use of Stranded Copper wire?

Copper wire manufacturers in MumbaiStranded copper wire is composed of many small gauge wires in order to make a large conductor. Presence of thinner conductors makes the stranded wire more flexible and solid in comparison to the other wire of same diameter. With the strength, reliability and durability of copper wire the stranded wires have become preferred choice for the builders.

Moreover the stranded wire is more economical and is considered to be more flexible than the solid copper wires of similar cross-sectional area. The problem of mechanical ruggedness in the case of solid cable is also over come here because stranded copper wire has relatively lesser surface area that is been exposed to environmental corrosives. The stranded wire can be use with mush ease in the application and places that require bending and even the repeated bending. Owing to the superior flexibility stranded copper wire rates high when it comes to wiring the circuit boards, headphones or any other connections that requires moving joints as well as tight bends. Beside this they are typically used as the residential wire as the flexibility allows easy bending and can be pulled out easily by conduit.

The A.C. line cords, musical instrument cables, computer mouse cables, welding electrode cables, control cables connecting moving machine parts, mining machine cables, trailing machine cables are some of the electrical usage of stranded copper wire. Connections between the circuit boards in the multi -circuit-board devices demands more flexibility, here the rigidity of solid wire can produce stress and result in movement during assemble or servicing.

Tin coating on the copper and aluminium wire provides more durability and strength. In tinned copper wire each strand of copper wire is coated with tin. The manufacturing process can be either hot dipping or electroplating. In the prior each strands copper is dipped to the melted tin while in the process of electroplating the rectifier and electrical charge are used to tin the copper. The stranded wire has higher resistance in comparison to that of the solid copper of the similar diameter. This is due to the fact that cross-section of the stranded wire has unavoidable gaps in between the strands.

Hook-up, magnet, and resistance wire are the most popular kind of stranded wire. The magnet wire is used for the winding of electric motors, generators, speaker coils, transformers and inductors. However, most of the high-frequency applications that require proximity effect and better performance at high frequencies make use of stranded wire that can be insulated and twisted in the special patterns as well.

Maitree Industries is one of the best Copper wire manufacturer in Mumbai and all over India which produces and supplies a wide range of copper products.

For more details call now 020-41230308


Can we use Aluminium Tubing as an Alternative to Copper?

copper tube manufacturers in indiaCopper has always been a vital material in manufacturing refrigeration and air conditioning systems. While the industry is comfortable with the use of copper tubing in these systems, there are some fairly significant considerations. More and more people are coming around to the idea that they will not be able to use copper tubing forever. One of the most viable alternatives that is being considered is aluminium tubing. The biggest issues surrounding the use of copper are very clearly connected.

They revolve around price and availability. As expected if the availability falls then the price will almost definitely go up. Over the last few years there has been a huge increase in the demand for copper, however, it is a finite resource. China is one of the main consumers of copper which has a detrimental effect on resources due to the fact it is such a big country. It is even suggested that the Chinese have been hoarding copper which has meant the price has inflated.

Copper Tubes have also increased in price because of this. Eventually it almost reaches a point where it is no longer economically viable to use copper piping in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Even society as whole can see the effects of the increase in price. The hardships can clearly been seen from the effects it has on public transport due to all the thefts. There is also the stories of the thieves who have seriously injured themselves from committing these crimes.

Why is aluminium being used as an alternative? For a kick off, aluminium is one of the most abundantly found metals on earth? There is no threat of it becoming rare in the near future. You will find aluminium is much cheaper due to the fact there is so much of it, which is the converse effect of copper.

It is obviously suitable too; otherwise it would not be suggested as an alternative. It is even lighter than copper, whilst still being strong. Working with it becomes a lot easier because of this. Another benefit it has the flexibility which allows aluminium tubing to bent in ways cooper could not meaning piping can become more creative.

Maitree Industries Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading Copper Tube manufactures in India supplies copper products like copper strip, copper bar, trolley wire, and copper rod varieties and many more.

To know more about the copper products visit http://miipl.net/ OR call 02041230308

Produces and supplies a wide range of copper products

Copper tube manufacturers in Mumbai.jpgCopper is man’s oldest metal, dating back more than 10,000 years. Its use in the home in modern times ranges from copper tubing in your plumbing system to some of the finest cookware available. Restaurateurs, hoteliers and interior decorators look to copper and brass as naturally inviting metals that make a statement of quality, comfort and beauty. It is no wonder that copper has also become a popular material for sinks in the kitchen, bath and bar.

Copper artisans abound throughout the world, however the artisans that have gained a reputation for making sinks has been primarily centered in India, Mexico and the US. Most of the shops making “hand crafted” copper sinks are small and the methods used to construct sinks goes back centuries. The term “hand hammered” has recently become synonymous with Mexican sinks. This term refers to the original ancient techniques that artisans have been using for centuries in this area. Copper sheets are literally hammered into shape and hand finished.

The results are somewhat rustic, but truly unique and one of a kind. Copper sinks in the US are made with similar techniques but are more often “smooth” rather than “hammered”. US copper craftsmen are dominated by shops doing custom work primarily for commercial projects such as restaurants. You can see examples of all these sinks at Sinks Gallery. They specialize in artisan crafted sinks and have one of the largest selections of copper sinks available, as well as sinks from all different mediums including glass, ceramic, various stones and even wood.

There are three primary differentiation determining quality – construction technique, copper thickness and the company you are buying from. Construction quality is made up of several factors – how corners are constructed, welding technique and proper dimensions for ease of installation. Quality can vary even when considering sinks made in the same town such as many of the sinks from Mexico. The buyer should make sure they are buying from a legitimate company that knows the product and is not selling “seconds”. In the world of hand crafted products, not all sinks are created equal and oftentimes there are two or more quality levels sold by the same shop

To know more about copper products visit http://miipl.net/

Maitree Industries is one of the best Copper tube manufacturers in Mumbai Maharashtra and rest of India which produces and supplies a wide range of copper products.

For more details call now 020-41230308

Do you know What Causes Copper to Turn Green?

copper tube manufacturers in india.jpgCopper turns green because of a process known as oxidation which is the removal of electrons from the substance. Specifically, copper turns green because of something known as copper carbonate. This is the substance that is found on top of copper–whether they be copper pipes, pennies, statues or anything else. So, the cause of copper turning green is copper carbonate. However, the big question is: why does copper carbonate appear?

When a metal comes into contact with air or water, it undergoes environmental changes. In other words, it might rust or it might tarnish. Copper is a metal that tarnishes and turns green. Iron rusts because rust is iron oxide. When you think of what causes iron to rust–rain and wind–you can understand easier what causes a copper penny, for example, to rust.

An important thing to consider, though, is that oxidation is a process. The penny, for example, won’t turn green overnight. However, if it gets wet, nothing will happen for a little while. As time goes on, though, it might start turning brown and then black. And then, after a while, shades of green will begin appearing. These shades of green are the build up of copper carbonate.What Causes Copper to Turn Green

It should be noted, though, that copper carbonate does not weaken the metal. Unlike iron that grows weaker as it rusts, since the copper carbonate is only a tarnish, it doesn’t take away from the strength of the copper tube. Therefore, a green copper pipe is no weaker than a cleaned copper pipe. It’s just unappealing.

Removing the green from copper can be done with a few different ways. The first is to rub lemons over the copper. This will allow the breakup of the copper carbonate to take place. Another thing to do is boil water, put a tablespoon of vinegar and salt into it and then put the objects that are green in there. Allow them to boil for a few hours and then remove them and wash with soap and water. This will remove any of the green tarnish.

Maitree Industries is one of the Copper tube manufacturers in India produces and supplies a wide range of copper products. Call 020-41230308 if you need further assistance

What steps involved while manufacturing copper wire

Copper wire manufacturers in MumbaiThere are series of steps involved in the process of manufacturing special cables of copper. The wire manufacturers have to follow certain quality standards in the manufacturing process. Copper wires are being largely use in both the residential as well as the commercial wiring. The metal has to go through different stages before it is transformed into the electrical wire.

The entire process of manufacturing copper wire special cables such as braided copper rope includes series of steps. Initially the metal is been worked upon to form copper rods that is later transformed into wires. The foremost step involves mining and crushing of the metal. Then the process of grinding the crushed ore is done, here the crushed metal is passed through the large machines for transforming the metal in to powder. The machines acts on the metal in both the cylindrical as well as rotating manner, the waste slag are removed from it.

Then the metal is worked upon for transforming it in to pure copper cathode by the steps such as electro winning, leaching, smelting and electrolytic refining. By the leaching process the weak copper sulfate solution is formed, this is treated in an electrolytic process tank as well. As stated before the entire process is referred to as electro winning. The process of smelting i.e. changing the oxidation state and getting ninety nine percent pure copper after purification is done. Then electrolytic refining is followed thus forming cathodes that are finally casted into wire rods.

Once the copper rods are formed the process of drawing copper wires is started. The copper rods are been pulled from the drawing die with narrower ends that forces the copper rod’s to shrink in diameter and be of longer length. The entire process is repeated many times thus progressively reducing the diameter of the wire.

After application of pressure it is time for one of the most important part of copper wire manufacturing namely annealing process. Here heat is applied to the wires formed, the process is meant for bringing the much needed flexibility to the wire. In the process the wire has to undergo electric furnace for regaining the flexibility that has been lost in the drawing process. The next step is electroplating that is optional for forming different types of special cables namely tinned, braided copper rope or coated wires. The metal is re-crystallised in the process of annealing and is then ready to use as well.

Maitree Industries is one of the best Copper wire manufacturers in Mumbai which produces and supplies a wide range of copper products as copper wire, cooper tube, rod and many more.

For more details call now 020-41230308

What is Industrial Use of Copper Tube?

There are various industries including industrial, commercial, manufacturing, mining, aerospace, railways, automobiles, defense, electrical, construction and many others that make use of copper tube for their daily operations. The thickness, length, width of copper tube can be modified as per required needs. With superior quality, good performance and durability, copper tube is effectively implemented in all sorts of purposes. Copper tube is highly conductive, corrosion resistant, ductile and less vulnerable to electromagnetically. The benefits of copper and its inherent properties are tapped to produce the best of copper forms. With the advancement of technologies, it has become easier to form alloys and varied forms of the metal and make proper use of them.

They are even used for decorative purposes. The copper tube has a huge market and customers worldwide. There are number of companies who offer copper in various forms. Premium manufacturers take care of every minute detailing and configurations. Right from raw material to the final output stage, the items are thoroughly tested and checked before sending for delivery. The manufacturing is done under authentic certification and accreditation to ensure highest quality and efficient manufacturing measures. Specific needs are met by offering custom-made solutions and meeting the requirements accordingly.

Copper tubes manufactures in INDIA.jpg

Innovative ideas, competence and efficiency are welcomed by one and all. Before opting for any manufacturer for your copper tube or other items like copper rod, copper wire, cadmium copper, check for the credibility and overall performance. Copper manufacturers offer numerous solutions. Match the item with your requirement for perfect functioning and top class results. It improves yours overall working system. Choose your copper products wisely and let the manufacturer offer its finest copper solutions for you. Look for the maximum return on investment by judging the complete efficiency and integrity. It must be flexible enough to suit your requirements and all ethics and norms needs to be fulfilled.

MIIPL Industries is a well known Copper tubes manufactures in INDIA have acquired a distinguished position copper tube manufacturers in the industry. For more details visit http://miipl.net/

Copper Tubing Usage

copper tube manufacturers in indiaGetting hot water from your hot water heater to your running shower can sometimes be a problem because it can take so long. The distance the water has to travel from point A (water heater) to point B (you in the shower) can be frustrating and most of the time we blame the poor water heater for failing us. The fault in most cases is not that of the water heater but the pipes used to transport the water from the heater to you and for exactly this reason copper tubing can help a lot.

If the pipe transporting the water does not conduct heat very well than your water will not be hot until enough of it has gone through the pipe to heat the pipe up. If on the other hand, the pipe used will conduct heat readily than the water will be hot almost as soon as the heater gets the message that you need hot water. The diameter of the pipe is also a factor. The thinner the pipe and the smaller the diameter the faster the water will flow through it. Copper tubing is a good conductor of heat and is thin enough to absorb the heat and transport the water to your shower quickly.

Copper tubing is not just for plumbing and could be used in your garden as well. You can build a trellis using copper tubing or use it as ornamental artwork in and around certain flowers and trees. Before you build your copper garden be sure to make a sketch of what you will need than get the pieces along with copper bonding glue. If you are adept at soldering than you may want to solder the pieces together. Copper is either rigid or soft and for the garden application the soft copper, although a little more expensive, would be best. Soft copper can be bent to whatever shape you would need to build your garden.

Whether you use it for plumbing or ornamental artwork for your garden or home copper tubing can be a reliable heat conductor for hot water or a beautiful piece of garden artwork or both.

Get to know more about difference usage of copper at home @ http://miipl.net/ as Maitree Industries one of the Copper tube manufacturers in India mainly famous for producing and supplying a wide range of copper products.

For more details call now 020-41230308

How to do Recycling of Copper Wire

Copper wire manufacturer in MumbaiCopper wire is known to be very valuable and is used for wide many purposes; the best part about it is that it is recyclable. The old copper wire products that have been replaced and are kept in your garage or store room can be sold off for recycling. That ways you help in saving your environment and making a little extra money for yourself simultaneously. However before proceeding with the copper wire recycling process it is always good to know about the local recycling or the metal salvage yard.

Following are steps to recycling the copper which you have in your home:

  • Assess at the copper wire you are planning to sell. Copper products such as Bunched Tinned Wire, Tin Wire, Tinned Wire, Copper Flexible Connectors, etc. often have some writing on plastic insulation. You can read the same and then separate wire type into a separate pile.
  • Thereafter you can remove the attachments that lower the value of the metal; the attachments could include the brass connectors or solder. A screw driver can be used to remove attachments; wire cutter can be utilized to cut off the soldered regions.
  • You can then cut the wire into the 24 to 36-inch sections using a wire cutter. As a result the wire becomes manageable for transportation.
  • A basic hand-held wire stripper can be used to strip plastic insulation. Though there are facilities that do not want the wire to be stripped, most of them want stripped wire.
  • Segregate each of the different wire. You can then load the boxes in your vehicle for recycling the scrap metal.

Wide range of products including bunched tinned wire, tinned wire, copper flexible connectors, etc. are used across various industrial segments, however when its time for replacement, copper is wasted by not seeking the option of recycling. Recycling is so very easy, eco-friendly and profit making process. It is amazing to know that about 75% of copper for usage in United states comes through recycling. Thus we can see how significant recycling can be.

There are more than one advantages of recycling. Firstly it saves all the fuel that has been used in the manufacturing of copper. Moreover it also saves the environment from the harmful effects of fuel that is burnt (releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere) in the manufacturing process, thus is an eco-friendly approach. Recycling copper also eliminates wastage and the expenditure involved in the disposal process.

Maitree Industries is a Copper wire manufacturer in Mumbai produces and supplies a wide range of copper products. Call 020-41230308 if you need further assistance.

Nylon Tubing Is the Ideal Substitute of Copper Tube

Nylon tubing is well-known in industries as:

  • Nylon tube or nylon pipe or nylon hose
    • Polyamide tubes / polyamide pipes / polyamide hoses
    • PA tube or PA pipe or PA hose

Nylon tubing is most appropriate choice for low compressed air pressure in pneumatic systems and the reason for this is its flexibility with good toughness. It is manufactured employing nylon-6 or nylon-12 also identified as PA-6 or PA-12 chips. The process involved is called extrusion and it can be carried out in an extruder having a necessary L/D ratio of screw to barrel. Heating and also friction makes resin to soften forming thick material inside the equipment. Right after passing via the specially developed die, the molten mass takes the tube form that finally is cooled and sized via sizer.

Capabilities of Nylon Tubing:

  • Light in weight,
    • Soft and flexible
    • Bendable and rebendable
    • Good anxiety cracking property
    • Good resistance to moisture absorption
    • High dimensional steadiness
    • Long life
    • Can work for the temperature up to 90° C

Nylon tubing is offered in several colors which allows identifying each tube. Uncomplicated identification leads to trouble-free installation and maintenance. This is among the factors that make nylon hose superior to copper, steel and even rubber pipes. It’s regarded as to be the top tubing for all sorts of air and pneumatic systems. Nylon hose is available in practically all type of colors such as Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Green, Orange, white and so on.

copper tube manufacturers in india

Nylon tubing is normally supplied in normal sizes ranging from 2mm to 20 mm outside diameter with wall thickness of 0.50 mm to 3mm. Customized tubing is also made and supplied as per customer requirements. Metric size tubes also as inch sizes are obtainable in the market. The additional the wall thickness of the tube, the additional could be the pressure withstanding capacity with the tubing. The tubing getting pressure withstanding capacity as high as 150 kg/ sq.cm is also available. Reinforcement on tube will further improve the pressure capacity. This tubing is also produced as per DIN standard.

Nylon tubing has a wide range of application in industries. It is utilized in circulation of oil in lubrication program / hydraulic system. Same could be the case in pneumatic circuit where it is considered to be actually the first option. It actually is the most generally utilized as fuel lines in automobile industries – in trucks, trailers etc. for transfer of fuel oil.

So if you are looking for Copper tube manufactures in PuneMaitree Industries Pvt. Ltd. is one of the best option supplies copper products like copper strip, copper bar, trolley wire, and copper rod varieties and many more.

To know more about the copper products visit http://miipl.net/ OR call 020-41230308


What is Copper Wire without Insulation?

Copper wire manufacturers in Mumbai.jpgCopper wires are used in everything. They are the best conductor of electricity, which is the reason that they are used so often. The bare and tinned copper wire can even be used to ground electrical systems. Without insulation they should not be used to transmit electricity because of the fact that it is lacking the insulation. The insulation is used to prevent those individuals who accidentally touch the wire from being electrocuted.

Bare Solid Copper

Solid bare copper can be used as ground wire. It is a non-flexible ground wire. And it is available in a range of sizes, anywhere from 26 AWG through 2 AWG. The bigger the size of the wire the harder that it will be to bend. This kind of solid copper wire would be perfect for a job where it will not have to be bent or moved too much, somewhere that flexibility is optional but toughness is not.

Stranded Bare Copper

Stranded copper wire is plain and simple just what it sounds like. It is one bigger wire made from twisting together smaller strands of copper to form the same size OD as a solid copper strand would. Stranded bare copper ground wire can be found in Romex® wires. The stranded bare copper is flexible due to using smaller strands. This variation of bare copper wire is available in sizes ranging from 18 AWG through 2 AWG.

Tinned Copper Wire

This is also known as the bus bar wire. It is made with either solid or stranded copper. With this wire a layer of tin helps adhere to solder during assembly work. It’s used more often with insulation, but still comes without when needed. This kind of non-insulated wire is known to be non-corrosive as well as a great conductor of electricity. The tin coating on it can help to boost the coppers properties, as well as make it last much longer than if it were alone.

Wires that are bare and have no insulation should not be used to transmit electricity. Without the insulation if someone touches the wires accidentally they will be electrocuted. No matter how low the voltage on the wire is any level of electrocution is a health hazard. It used primarily in overhead power sources where it cannot be reached by human hands. The tinned copper wire may be the best option for wire without insulation, the tin helps to also improve the life of the wire. It is corrosion resistant while boosting the productivity.

Maitree Industries is a Copper wire manufacturer in Mumbai produces and supplies a wide range of copper products. Please call if you need further assistance 020-41230308.